Hello, and welcome to lesson 3! We're going to look at some advanced attack moves!
Note: We're going to use some terminology and techniques from the previous lesson. If you did not go over Lesson 2, do so now:
Fighting with a Hidden Blade: How to stab with the Hidden Blade and Attack Moves(Beginner - Intermediate)
Anyway, let's go on to the exciting parts!
The above video shows Arno Dorian executing a ducking slice.
To execute a ducking slice, first extend your blade and duck a swinging blow, While ducking, turn backwards in the direction of your blad-clad elbow, For example, if you were going to slice with the left blade, turn towards the left side. If you were going to slice with your right blade(if you had two blades) then you should turn right. Spin quickly. As you turn to face your enemy again, slash your blade across his throat.
This is the ultimate badass hidden blade move, if landed. However, you must be quick enough to turn around before your opponent strikes you in the back. Also, if your opponent moves out of range before you land a blow, then you may miss. All in all, this move is a weapon that can be used in combat, but it is very hard to do if you want to actually land it.
Expert Move 2: Wallrun Backflip
Above is Giovanni Auditore executing a wallrun backflip, then incapacitating his opponent.
The wallrun backflip is an elegant move, and done with many weapons other than the hidden blade. This takes a little parkour skill. Be careul not to break your neck!
I'll split the move into three parts: the wallrun, the backflip, and the finisher. To wallrun, first approach a wall with some speed. Then, at about one stride away from the wall, drive explosively with your left leg and plant the right leg on the wall(or reversed if it feels more comfortable: I've always done it by pushing off with my right leg and planting my left on the wall). At this point, plant your right foot solidly and drive upwards, swinging your arms up to help gain momentum. Then comes the backflip. Push off the wall and do a backflip(turning your body 360 degrees backwards). When you push, you must use your momentum to land behind your opponent. You can either stab your opponent directly or disarm and takedown your opponent, like Giovanni Auditore in the video.
This move is more for show than it is for actual use. Nevertheless, it can be used to some extent. It looks badass, too. I'd suggest using this move in a Youtube video, if you wanted to make one.
Move 3: Air Attack
Above is Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad executing an Air Attack.
This move is very similair to an air assassination. However, there are two main differences: The first is that the opponent is aware that you are attacking him. In an air assassination, the opponent doesn't know you are attacking him until he's on the floor. In the example video, you can see that Altaïr's enemy is drawing his sword and looking at Altaïr. The second difference is that it is done from a running jump from the ground instead of from a hang or jump from a roof/highly elevated surface.
To execute this attack, first run up to the opponent. When close enough(you must judge the distance through yourself), jump as high as you can at the opponent. If you have a button activated blade, then you should activate before you jump. You can jump off a ledge or body if you want. Remember, even though you want high, you also have to have forward momentum to reach the opponent. If you have not yet activated your blade, activate mid-air. Once you get near your opponent, grab him with one arm and stab him with the other. As he falls with you, land in a crouch, with your legs on either side.
This move is a good move in combat. If it works, you've one, but if it doesn't, you simply move off and continue fighting. However, be sure to deflect all attacks in mid-air, as you can't dodge.
Well, that wraps up this lesson! Be sure to wait for more, as our next lesson will be about defensive techniques!
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